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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


According to McQuail [2000], the word mass media is reduced to indicate a large-scale mode of communication that reaches and involves practically everyone in a community to varying degrees. The plural of medium is media, which refers to a conduit or vehicle via which something is communicated. In other terms, mass media are modern society's communication outlets, chiefly print and electronic media. MCQuail goes on to define mass media as the organization of a large number of receivers in a short period of time. The mass media are impersonal communication channels that reach a vast number of people. The major role of the media system is to disseminate information to millions of individuals. The media has a tremendous amount of clout. Each of the media is expected to have a particular impact on perceptions and behavior. They can have an impact on society and vice versa. The mass media are a particularly contemporary style of public communication, and its significance stems in large part from the fact that they are a significant source of whatever modes of perception, cognition, public debate, and political action exist. Because of its scale and the greater number of people they reach, the mass media has a significant effect on society. Murphy (1977) compares the societal effects of media to oil, give, and dynamite. Murphy says that means of communication, like oil, keeps the world running smoothly by assisting individuals in adjusting to the realities of their existence. They keep society going and healthy by proposing socially acceptable answers.

Communication, as previously said, maintains social cohesiveness. Murphy (1977) claims that by establishing a debate agenda, the media gives everyone, including strangers, something to speak about. And that, over time, communication strengthens and builds up the fibers that hold a community together. Murphy (1977) also portrays the media as dynamites capable of tearing society apart. The propaganda operations that preceded the Russian revolution in 1917 and Hitler's ascendancy to the German chancellorship in 1933 are notable examples of this. Similarly, the mass media, particularly newspapers and magazines, played a significant role in Nigeria's fight for independence in 1960.


Because the owner(s) of the media house typically decide the aforementioned component, ownership of the media house, control of the media house, and recruitment of its major employees have created important variables resulting in the media house's program quality. Media ownership has altered media programs in various ways, posing challenges to journalism as a profession.

In this circumstance, the broadcast medium must work in accordance with the owner's whims and caprices (s). Nothing depresses a broadcast media practitioner more than the prospect of either accepting the dictates of the proprietors or facing the cruel music of dismissal. Ownership impact on program content has caused several broadcast media outlets to go out of business and lose their audience hold. This is especially true with state-owned broadcast media.

Following General Ibrahim Babangida's administration's emancipation of the media business in 1992, several privately – held broadcast media began to grow up from all corners, one of which being BCOS radio Station.

As a consequence of these new privately held media channels producing standard programs that outbid those of the government-owned media stations, many individuals have abandoned government-controlled broadcasting media. The question today is why and to what degree has the majority of the public abandoned the government.


The main objectives of the study include:

  1. To establish whether the government owned media are free to operate in a democratic government like the privately owned media.
  2. To check the rationale for the preference, the audience have for one medium over another.
  3. To find out which of the media establishment is more development oriented.
  4. To ascertain the level of ownership influence on both media outfits in terms of staffing and programming.
  5. To establish the audience perception on both media outfits.
  6. To compare the government owned media with privately owned media using SPLASH FM and Raypower as study focus.
  7. To provide veritable data for further study in this area of review


The findings of this study will help other researchers in carrying out a similar study.  It will add to the mass communication literature and bulk of knowledge on media performance in Nigeria.  The study will help to analyze the pattern of media ownership and its influence on Nigerian development.  Finally, it will provide the premise for individuals and stakeholders to make decisions on which form of media ownership is better for Nigeria.


  1. Does the emergence of private broadcasting media in Nigeria improve broadcasting generally?
  2. To what extent is the entrance of private broadcasting a challenge to government owned broadcast media in Nigeria?
  3. Does source credibility affect broadcast media listenership?
  4. To what extent do the Enugu radio listenership prefer private radio programmes to government radio programmes?
  5. To what extent does the radio listenership use what they hear from radio


The aim of this study is to investigate the climate of press freedom in both private public media organizations. Other aspects of the media field are not included in the study. In theoretical part, the study analysis partly te relationship between press freedom and the media ownership between structures both in public and private organization, other elements of media strategy are not included. The study does not deal with the detail operative level of media company‟s activities. In addition, it does not have any certain geographic area it would concentrate on.


Airtime: starting time of TV to radio programme.

Freelance: An unaffiliated writer, photographer, cameraman, artist or other person who is available on assignment or contract basis.

Internal communication: communication with personal or members of a company or organisation.

Documentary: information film or television show with a unified subject or purpose.

External publication: a publication issued by an organisation to people outside its own employee or membership groups, such as to customers, the local community, the financial wild etc.

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